日期:2021-04-02 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:
English and Chinese belong to different language departments. With the development, more and more translators are used in our daily life. What are the language characteristics of English Chinese translation?
1. Static words are often used in English, while dynamic words are often used in Chinese
英語喜歡使用靜態詞匯,具體體現在較多的使用名詞和形容詞。而漢 語則多使用動態詞匯例如動詞連用等。因此英譯漢時常常把原文中表示 動作意義的靜態敘述轉換成漢語的動態敘述。
English likes to use static words, which is reflected in the use of nouns and adjectives. In Chinese, dynamic words such as verb conjunction are often used. Therefore, when translating English into Chinese, the static narration of action meaning in the original text is often transformed into the dynamic narration in Chinese.
2. English attaches great importance to person, while Chinese attaches great importance to person
英語較常用物稱表達法,即不用人稱主語來敘述,而是表達客觀事物 如何作用于人的感知,讓事物以客觀的口氣呈現出來。漢語則注重主體思 維,往往從自我出發來敘述客觀事物,或傾向于描述人及其行為或狀態。 漢語也常常隱含人稱或省略人稱。
English is more commonly used to express things, that is, to express how objective things act on people's perception instead of personal subject, so that things can be presented in an objective tone. Chinese pays attention to subjective thinking, and tends to narrate objective things from self, or describe people and their behaviors or states. Person is often implied or omitted in Chinese.
3. Hypotaxis in English and Parataxis in Chinese
相對于漢語來說,英語是一種更加注重形式化的語言,主要體現在運 用詞匯來聯系各個分句,如我們熟知的“and”用來表示并列連接;“if”用來 表示假設條件關系;“because”用來表示因果關系,雖然說漢語句式也有一 定數量的連接詞連接,但是使用頻率較之英語小得多。在漢語中,我們通 常不用或者少用連接詞來表達意思,英漢兩種語言的這種區別就是我們所 說的形合——強調結構的完整性和形態的嚴謹性,結構嚴密緊湊,主次分 明;意合——強調內容和表意的完整性,靠語意的邏輯將句子串起。
Compared with Chinese, English is a more formal language, which is mainly reflected in the use of vocabulary to connect various clauses. For example, the well-known "and" is used to indicate parallel connection; "if" is used to indicate hypothetical conditional relationship; and "if" is used to indicate hypothetical conditional relationship; "Because" is used to express causality. Although there are a certain number of conjunctions in Chinese sentence patterns, it is used much less frequently than in English. In Chinese, we usually don't or seldom use conjunctions to express meaning. The difference between English and Chinese is what we call hypotaxis, which emphasizes the integrity of structure and the rigor of form, with tight structure and clear primary and secondary; parataxis, which emphasizes the integrity of content and expression, connects sentences by semantic logic.
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